Hamstring Injury Recurrence and Prevention: A Review
Football stands to be the most favorite sport with approximately four billion fans worldwide. Injuries in the
game can often be frustrating to the fans, athletes and the club, affecting performance and financial
operations. An avoidance curriculum to help cut down risks of such injuries seems obligatory, concerning the
socioeconomic and financial repercussions. An issue that is frequently discussed in sports medicine is
Hamstring Strain Injuries (HSI) that is widely seen amongst players which could prevent them from engaging in
important games. HSI are one of the most frequently occurring injuries in sport representing approximately 12-
24% of all athletic injuries. There is a high prevalence of hamstring strain injuries in many sports, including
This review consists of summary of hamstring injury causes, prevention and current practices of treatment . It
also evaluates a contemporary method that uses whole-body vibration and its benefits to neuromuscular
invigoration and defiance exercises.
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