Eating Habits during COVID-19 Quarantine

  • sara mumtaz NUMS
  • Rida Fatima Saeed National University of Medical Sciences, Rawalpindi
  • Sidra Younis National University of Medical Sciences, Rawalpindi
Keywords: COVID-19, Eating habits, Lifestyle


The COVID-19 outbreak has affected billions of people worldwide. We are facing a critical situation with various challenges. Many countries have imposed restrictions in daily life activities to control the spread of virus. This caused change in working patterns and living conditions like staying indoors 1. This forced staying indoors for long time can cause stress conditions that directly affect eating habits. Prolonged stress triggers the release of cortisol that produce hunger sensation 2. In some people it also leads to binge eating disorder (BED). In BED there is regular and frequent intake of large quantities of food and no control over eating. Studies indicate that stress induces changes in our food preferences from low fat diet to high fat diet 3. Thus stress causes unhealthy food addiction that leads to obesity. Obesity boost the production of adipokines and other cytokines that eventually cause low grade inflammation, and affect the development of other metabolic conditions like diabetes and arterial hypertension 4.

Data from different studies have shown high intake of food during quarantine in adults. A study was conducted in Poland to evaluate nutritional habits in adult during quarantine. About 50% people reported more eating and 43% stated weight gain. Weight loss was observed only in 18% of individuals. An increase in body mass index (BMI) was associated with high intake of fast-food, dairy and meat and, relatively less consumption of fruits, vegetables, and legumes during quarantine. This weight gain tendency was observed in older, overweight and obese subjects while underweight subjects showed a tendency towards weight loss 1. So, this study highlights a change in eating habits during quarantine and, obese and overweight people are more vulnerable.

Thus, staying healthy during this period of confinement is challenging. Healthy eating habits during this time is important to enhance our immune system as virus is continuously spreading. It is important to remain physical active to control weight and eat balanced diet containing all essential nutrients. It is recommended to avoid high glycemic index carbohydrates like sweets, sugar or bread. Instead low glycemic index carbohydrates like brown rice, whole grain, legumes, vegetables and fruits should be used. Proteins are an important part of diet, so food rich in protein but with low percentage of fat should be included in diet 5. A balanced diet also helps in normal functioning of immune system.



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