COVID-19 and Environment

  • Mahwish Ali National University of Medical Sciences, Rawalpindi
Keywords: Corona Virus, Climate Variations, Environment


Environmental and demographic factors played an important role in the transmission of COVID-19,. This review discusses the potential impact of climatic variables such as temperature, humidity, Air Quality Index (AQI), air pollutants, wastewater and different surfaces on the spread of SARS-COVID-2 virus. Different studies have demonstrated the significant effect of ambient rise in temperature and humidity on Corona cases. However, air quality index and air pollutants are more significantly associated with the mortality rate of corona patients. Furthermore, COVID-19 can survive longer on smooth surfaces as compare to the rough surfaces. The presence of the virus is also detected in stool samples of the patient and wastewater but no study has shown transmission of disease through drinking contaminated water. Hence, meteorological and environmental factors have significant impact on the occurrence of the virus and its spread.


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